Monday, July 30, 2007


Here are some pics from my great weekend with Ken. He said he Tulsa was surprisingly interesting :) I will try not to make you all too nauseous.
This one is from last weekend at Ken's birthday party...we played lasertag, ate sushi (yes...ken got me to try sushi and i actually kinda liked it :) Then we got cheesecake factory cheesecake, thus Ken's messy face

Notice the awesome necklace in this was a pretty substantial deposit into the lovebank cha-ching

I like a man who can take awesome pictures

here is a cheezey picture of the cheesecake we made...ken is responsible for the heart i might add

ken loves smoothies so we decided to make our own...we hunted all over tulsa for a special ingredient called Acai....we finally found it...very yummy and healthy

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Then and Now.

T-shirt says " Monkey See. Monkey Do. Monkey get in trouble too.

Very appropriate.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

2 year and 4 month check-ups

Yesterday the girls had their check-ups. Vail weighed in at 26lbs 10oz and the doctor said she was tall. Katy weighs 15lbs exactly. The doctor said they both looked great. He said Vail behaved very well for a 2 year old. He normally has to hold them down I guess. He gave her a pretty cool butterfly sticker which occupied her for most of the time. Katy had to get her 4 month shots. She cried pretty hard but it didn't last very long. Vail watched and said "Oh Katy, it's ok". It was very sweet. Katy took her shots really well. She was a bit fussy yesterday but not too bad. Katy is trying very hard to sit up by herself (as you can see from the photos) it can be a little difficult with Vail in her face most of the time. Tomorrow is Vail's birthday and we can't believe how time really does fly by. I will end with this funny story:

Yesterday we had some pretty loud thunderstorms come through town. After the first thunder I told Vail "It's ok it is just thunder. God makes the thunder and the rain, and grass, and trees, and... (Vail finishes my sentence here with this) "JED'S POOP".

See everyone soon!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Weekend Plans

Time to put on my Slytherin cloak and go sleep outside of Waldenbooks.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nash Vegas

Here are some jewels from our Camera. Yes these are the family jewels. I'll narrate where necessary:

This is a Nashville Stop Sign

Words can't describe the magic in this photo
Mamaw hit her funny bone on the Tony Roma table

Vail and Mamaw took turns pushing eachother in wheel chairs

Yes Mom we know her head smells good!

Jammin at the Grand ol Opry

No they didnt plan their outfits together...

Oddly enough they have the same I. Q.

Mmmm.... Cream Cream


Katy double fisting

Big Pimpin, spending dad's G's