Sunday, April 20, 2008

When We First Met, How Could I Forget?

Exactly 1 year ago today, Ken and I met on the streets of downtown Franklin, TN. I was visiting Matthew and Jennifer for the first time since they moved to Tn. Katy was a month old, and I was making my trip out to see the latest addition to Matthew and Jennifer's family. Friday night, we decided to eat out at the Mellow Mushroom, which is a groovy pizza place in downtown. Matthew knew Ken was meeting some friends at the nearby Irish pub, McCreary's, so as we were waiting for a seat, Matthew suggested we take a little walk. I knew what he was up to, but acted like i didn't, even though I was a little nervous. So me, Matthew, Jennifer, Katy, and Vail walked down the sidewalk, crossed the street at the light, and turned the corner, and there he was. Ken was sitting at a table on the sidewalk with a group of his friends. I don't remember who was with him now...I wasn't paying attention to that. So I tried to be as normal and non-chalant as possible and we made normal chit chat conversation for a couple of minutes. I don't remember exactly what was said, but I do remember walking away thinking about how Ken treated me as if we were best friends already. He was very warm and welcoming and put me at ease. I remember asking Jennifer if she thought our meeting was at all awkward. I also told her that Ken was cuter than I expected (Ken wasn't scrawny like I thought he would be :), to which Matthew responded by covering his ears. I don't think Matthew realized what he started. Matthew insists that I said something about it not being attractive that Ken had a beer....I don't remember saying that at all :) For a long time after that, anytime Vail was in downtown Franklin she said "Find Ken?"

I had no idea that I had just met the love of my life on that evening, April 20, 2007. I found out tonight, that April 20 is also Ken's parent's anniversary. All this to say, its amazing what can happen in a year.

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